
Friday, November 26, 2010

Food Storage

Having a food storage for your family is always a good idea in troubled times and good. What do you do if you loose your job, get snowed in, disaster strikes, etc...? Well if you have a little or a lot of extra food stored then you just go about your business and your family is taken care of and you have the ability to help others in need.
With the economy and job market the way it is today I really think this is one of the most important investments you can make for you and your family.
Also food storage is just a general term for emergency supplies not just food, but all the things you will need to live on if you cannot get to supplies or afford them.

If you are on board with this idea then the question becomes how much food storage is necessary? Well I believe it is a good idea to have a year of food for every person in your family, of course this takes some time to build up too and some money also. But imagine the peace of mind that you will have when you have it? Wow that would feel so good and you would know that your family would be able to take care of it's self no matter what happened.

Here is what my faith says about food storage:

"Our Heavenly Father created this beautiful earth, with all its abundance, for our benefit and use. His purpose is to provide for our needs as we walk in faith and obedience. He has lovingly commanded us to “prepare every needful thing” so that, should adversity come, we can care for ourselves and our neighbors and support bishops as they care for others.

"We encourage members world-wide to prepare for adversity in life by having a basic supply of food and water and some money in savings.

"We ask that you be wise as you store food and water and build your savings. Do not go to extremes; it is not prudent, for example, to go into debt to establish your food storage all at once. With careful planning, you can, over time, establish a home storage supply and a financial reserve."

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